
Kevin Lynnsburg
Lambda Sigma Rho
Science (something, I forget)
Ice Powers.
Society's Anti-Nudity "Laws"
Tuxedo, NY
Sculpture. I like to make things out of my ice. Right now, I'm into dildos. Giant ice dildos the size of cars.
I'm kinda in an unofficial club with Werewolf, Dookie and Biff. We make videos of people hurting themselves. Mostly, it's just Biff hurting himself.
I like to be nude. I also enjoy nude dancing, nude bbqing, nude soccer, nude juggling--- Pretty much anything can be made better if you're naked!
Hmm. Gravel. I hate gravel because it hurts to run across it.
I think some of them need to loosen up. I mean, just because I walk into your bedroom naked doesn't mean I want to have sex with you. I don't see why I need to keep covering up my junk just because you're half asleep. If people didn't keep hassling me about it, I wouldn't teabag them.
I want to meet someone that is comfortable in her own skin. First date nudity, nothing sexual, ya know, unless it goes that way. Which it probably will.

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